
What: The good layout and orientation of workplaces will promote the flow of positive energy and neutralizing or avoiding negative or destructive energy. Feng Shui will assist design good flow of energy to promote followings:

(1) Encourage business opportunities

(2) Improve communications among employees

(3) Foster efficient work and greater working environment

(4) Reduce business risk



(1) Who will start up a new business

(2) Who will renovate business premises

(3) Who seek opportunities to expand business


When: Preferable before renovation



(1) Prior to audit, following documents/information are required:

(a) floor plan of the company

(b) dates, times and countries of birth of the key personnel

(2) Master will visit the premises on the appointed date to take measurements and assess its geomancy.

(3) Approximately 1 week after assessment its geomancy, Master will visit the premises with summary report to explain

(a) auspicious and inauspicious colours for the signboard and premises

(b) date for the commencement of work

(c) arrangement of furniture in the company

(d) symbolised factor analysis of the area (e.g wealth, career) and recommendations and matters to take note

(e) auspicious dates for putting up signboard /shifting /opening ceremony in accordance with the direction of the company and the key personnel’s life-readings

(f) brief life analysis of the key personnel in the company

(4) Upon completion of the renovation, Master will visit the premises for final inspection.